Aug 142015

The Council of the Municipality of Trent Lakes will hold a Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.

A delegation will be received from Dewdney Mountain Farms regarding a proposed Haul Route for the Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry.

This meeting is open to the public. Citizens are invited to observe the proceedings. Questions from the gallery will not be received. Continue reading »


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Jul 162015

July 16th, 2015

As previously announced, Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) is in negotiations with the owner of Boyd Island for securement of the property. A confidential Letter of Intent has been given to KLT by the owner of the property, Mr. Michael Wilson, subject to certain conditions. Up on satisfaction of these conditions, it is the intent of the landowner to donate the property to KLT. It is the intention of KLT to accept the donation, provided sufficient capital funds can be raised in the community to support continued ownership, management and stewardship of the property in perpetuity. Continue reading »

Trent-Severn Waterway Back On Track?!

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Jul 022015

June has been a busy month for the Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW) with multiple announcements and a community meeting right here in Trent Lakes.

News Release June 19, 2015: The Harper Government announced major new infrastructure investments for across the TSW in the amount of $285 million.
According to Parks Canada this money is available over the next two fiscal years.
For the detailed report and locations identified please refer to this report: Continue reading »

Voices for the Trent-Severn Waterway – Public Meeting – 2015-06-28

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Jun 192015

Voices for the Trent-Severn Waterway

DATE: JUNE 28, 2015

Location: Buckhorn Community Centre Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Flyer Voice for the Trent Severn Waterway June 28 2015

Flyer – June 28 2015

Hear from the Chair of the Trent-Severn Working Group Marc Ackert what has been accomplished and what needs to be done going forward.

All Federal candidates have been invited to attend along with Provincial and Municipal representatives.

Who should attend: Property Owners, Business Owners, Boaters, Cottagers

Requests your attention to the BLUE CANOE Event 2015

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May 222015
Blue Canoe

If you can find a spot in your publication or news, or/and on your website for this article we would really appreciate it.
You are also invited to attend this event promoting the effects of responsible management of the shores in and around Kawartha. We hope to see you there. Please make yourself known to me or one of our members.

Bring the family to the BLUE CANOE EVENT
Time 9:00 Am June 13th
Location: cottage 17 and 19 Fireroute 128
(very end of Riverside Drive Bobcaygeon)
Sponsored by the
North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers’ Association


Thanks to both the Municipality of Trent Lakes and the City of Kawartha Lakes the Blue Canoe paddles it’s way to the shores near Bobcaygeon. Many have been asking when is our turn to have this valuable program showcased in our area of north Pigeon Lake and now the answer is June 13th 2015!

The North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers’ Association is proud to sponsor this event as we feel the importance of the program should be shared with all property owners in the area. The Blue Canoe program will:

  • Demonstrate how each of us can impact the lake’s health
  • Show how we can keep Pigeon Lake Healthy
  • Make scientific data user friendly and actionable by all
  • Show us how to utilize the scientific data collected to our best advantage
  • Disseminate information and some tools that encourage landowners to improve and maintain our shorelines
  • Give us the tools to manage our shorelines better
  • Help us help ourselves to a healthy lake and thus a healthy local economy
  • Prove that a healthy lake equals a healthy economy

The program has been in operation for years and now it has been encouraged by our political leadership to come to Bobcaygeon. The event will be held on June 13th at the “Morton” cottage 19 Fire route 128 (the extension of Riverside Drive) starting at 9:00 AM. Parking is limited once on Fire Route so parking on Riverside might be best option if fire route 128 looks congested.

Water, coffee and tea provided courtesy of the NPLRA and all we ask is that you bring your own cup!

During and after the presentation there will be ample time to ask your specific questions, meet those who bring the “canoe” to our door and get to meet like minded residents.

For more information on the NPLRA go to and on the Blue Canoe Program go to

Thanks to Kawartha Conservation, the Municipality of Trent Lakes and the City o Kawartha Lakes for allowing the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayer’s Assn., to host such an event… and it’s free!

Nogie’s Creek Waterway Project — Special Report — Lakefield Herald

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Jan 232015
Trent Severn Waterway

“Council received a presentation and accepted a request to support the concept of a new waterway park for Nogie’s Creek and Pigeon Lake at the Trent Lakes meeting on Tuesday, January 20.

Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer at Kawartha Conservation presented to council a very thorough conceptual plan and most council members supported the idea.

Messervey was seeking to gain establishment of a working group to develop and support a conceptual plan, including municipal participation…”


Lakefield Herald

Nogies Creek Waterway Park Concept

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Jan 222015
Kawartha Conservation

Trent Lakes council in a 4/5 vote supported the KRCA concept of the Nogies Creek Waterway Park! Those of us in attendance from CFRAD were very very excited. This brings together everything that was being said at Dewdney Mountain OMB about the unique nature of the region. The council also supported the Pigeon Lake Management Plan and the extension of the Blue Canoe Program into north Pigeon, Little Bald and Big Bald. Yeah!

  1. Concept – Nogies Creek Waterway Park: Nogies Creek / North Pigeon Lake / Boyd (Big) Island region including Fleming College property next to Dewdney property, right to Bass Lake – area involved. In this area… Canoe routes, fish sanctuary and research, scientific study, self guided nature trails, interpretive profiling of unique watershed geology, physiology (land between), fishery, natural features, forestry, wildlife and cultural heritage.
  2. Establish a working group of stakeholders including municipalities
  3. Use Tullys and Kens Road allowances for pedestrian trail for access to Fleming College property for students / faculty / community.

Download Nogies Creek Waterway Park Concept presentation by Rob Messervey.

Jan 092015

At the recent council meeting this past Tuesday Jan 6th there was a lot of good information of which all can be accessed on the Trent Lakes web site but of particular interest was the information put forward on the expansion of the CDR Young quarry on Bass Lane Rd. on Crown Land. As expressed at the council meeting apparently, our Municipality does not have a lot of control over this proposed quarry expansion as it is on Crown Land.
It is located about 15 km North of Bobcaygeon on County Rd. 49.

CDR Young’s Aggregate has an application pending at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for an amendment to extract aggregate from below the water table, increase days and hours of operations, and increase max. annual tonnage from 300,000 to 850,000 tonnes.

Our municipality has until January 30th, 2015 to comment on the matter!!

Please find attached is a report from this proposed expansion from Trent Lakes and also a presentation of this expansion to the City of Kawartha Lakes.

There is an open house to be hosted by the MNR on:
Friday January 16, 2015. 6pm to 8 pm
Site Plan Amendment/ Public Info Meeting
CDR Young Aggregate, Bass Lane
Bobcaygeon Legion, Branch 239, King Street (corner of King and East St (36 road))

If you are in opposition and wish to object, write an OBJECTION and send it to Paul Cutmore,
MNR Peterborough District Area Office
300 Water St
PO Box 7000
Peterborough, On

Our council can also be contacted through the Trent Lakes Web site.

Municipality of Trent Lakes Election 2014 Recommendations

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Sep 302014

In the next few days, you should receive a mail ballot for the October 27th Municipal election for our local Council and Mayor. These are our recommendations.

Download Recommendations – Municipality of Trent Lakes Election 2014

This election is the most significant in our township history, we urge you to carefully consider exercising your franchise. Many of us believe we have not had truly representative and transparent civic leadership and should the attitude of “we cannot do anything about developmental pressures on our township” continues, we could become the aggregate and graphite capital of Ontario. Going forward we need a mayor and council dedicated to taking ownership of their duty to be our voice and resistance to encroachment on our way of life. Should our council and mayor meekly kowtow to big business when other municipalities resist we truly will be pillaged. Resistance is not futile, it just makes sense.

The NPLRA questioned the candidates on several continuing issues including but not limited to: OPP policing; Trent Severn Waterway; flooding in watershed area; handicapped parking. Also asked was: would the candidate be in favour of pushing for the return of committees to obtain citizen input. During the interviews we were looking for signs of commitment, forthrightness as well as thinking outside the usual “no we cannot do that” attitude.

We are anxiously awaiting the OMB Chair’s decision on the appeal of the two decisions made by the current municipal council, a rezoning bylaw and an amendment to the Township Official Plan to allow a mega quarry adjacent to an established neighbourhood, the very sensitive Nogies Creek and the historic fish sanctuary. If allowed, according to evidence adduced from the proponent, Dewdney Mountain, this quarry at full capacity will be three times as large as all the other quarries in the municipality put together! This could put as many as 44,000 additional trucks on local roads annually. The impact on EVERYONE is obvious.

Worse, there are several other quarry applications ostensibly awaiting this OMB decision and the next Trent Lakes Council. Also waiting in the wings is the Valterra Bobcaygeon Project proposal, which could end up as one of the largest graphite mines in the world with a graphite seam that extends 90 square kilometers from Bass Lake, through Crystal Lake to Salerno Creek in our township.

The implications of such an open pit mine are potentially devastating to those who live, work and play in this Township.

Both the above developments have galvanized the citizenry of Trent Lakes into an action seeking group of property owners.

Nothing in our history comes close to the threat nor the action needed to control such threats.

We are of the opinion that the current council members, with one exception, were one or all of the following:

  • complicit in the mega quarry proposal,
  • totally overwhelmed and uninformed, or they
  • simply “rolled over” in face of a developer threat to appeal to the OMB. Capitulating at only one set of provincial policies favouring aggregate development versus seeking alternatives favouring local citizens.

With a view to the future, a group of people from Trent Lakes who were active in the Citizens For Responsible Aggregate Development (CFRAD) campaign have been meeting and interviewing candidates for Council and would like you to consider our findings on the following attachment when casting your ballot.

Respectfully, The North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers’ Association in conjunction with a group of concerned citizens from across our municipality.



A twenty year veteran of Council, is also running for Mayor and was the lone vote in Council against the zoning change to accommodate a mega quarry. She indicated that “there are times when citizens need to be listened to and when Council needs to make a stand”. She said forcing individuals to appeal to the OMB on behalf of all citizens means the Township Council got a “free ride”. The consequences for all the future applications are obvious. If this state of affairs is allowed to continue, the burden of future appeals will be borne by individuals or else there will be no appeals, and all future applications will be rubber stamped. The damage to our environment, our roads, and our homes must be the concern of all.

Janet Clarkson, is the current Mayor.

She is totally unapologetic for her stance in the bylaw and Official Plan amendments favouring the mega quarry, arguing that because of provincial policies, Council had no choice but to go along. Fighting aggregate appeals at the OMB would be a waste of taxpayers’ money. So it was left to private citizens to hire lawyers and expert witnesses to counter the application.

Ostensibly opposing the project, she is quoted in the Peterborough Examiner of January 27, 2013 as saying:

“It’s way better if it goes on their dollar than on ours”

The fact that Council approved the application and then appeared at the OMB to be an additional advocate for the project undermined the citizen appellants whose legal bills are likely to top $100,000.00. To fully appreciate the current mayor’s absence of logic, we urge you to see the full Peterborough Examiner article.


Rick has been a cottager in the area for more than 50 years and is now a full time resident. He says there are too many quarries already and will bring fresh ideas and an energetic work ethic to Council and pledges to work with the citizens to find solutions going forward. Rick worked in financial services in Toronto in his previous life, but is now self-employed out of his residence in the former Cavendish Township.

Peter Franzen has been on Council previously, both in Harvey-Galway-Cavendish and earlier on the Galway-Cavendish Council. He currently resides in the Harvey Ward at Pirates’ Glen. While he projects many good ideas, in our opinion, he carries with him considerable history from his previous tenure on Council that we are not comfortable with at this time.

Ron Windover is the incumbent Deputy Mayor, and like Ms. Clarkson, is an apologist for Council’s actions on the re-zoning mega quarry vote. The Deputy Mayor, like the Mayor, is a member of the Peterborough County Council (the next highest tier in local governance) and we feel Mr. Windover has not played any positive role in advancing the interests of the Township in defending liveability at our local or at County Council.


Our committee interviewed Mr. Persson before nominations closed and we were impressed. We found him to be well-prepared, thoughtful and respectful for the views of others. He brought in a comprehensive program for our township, including a responsible program for economic development that does not compromise our environment, but will increase jobs and broaden our tax base. He will work to unite the disparate parts of our community from Buckhorn to Bobcaygeon from Pigeon Lake to Kinmount. He is the owner of the Canoe Company in Buckhorn and has served on the Board of the Canoe Museum in Peterborough and the Kawartha Highlands Park and is currently on the economic development committee of Trent Lakes. Our group was fully prepared to endorse Mr. Persson even before he was acclaimed as he brings much promise to Council.


Terry has lived in this area all of his life and is a respected businessman here. He has seen enough quarries outside his door and is passionate about retaining the quality of our environment. He also commits to citizen involvement in solving big questions facing the citizens of Trent Lakes.

Madeline Pearson was the incumbent member-at-large and is now running in the Galway-Cavendish Ward. Ms. Pearson who has lived and served on Council for many years voted for the Official Plan amendments and re-zoning allowing the mega quarry and from positions as expressed by her votes in Council and in all of the all-candidates meetings, there is increasing concerns about her ability to navigate through the increasingly complex matters before a five member Council. She has served her community well, but the very fate of our Township may hinge on the outcome of the October 27 election.

Richard Wackernagel: We were unable to interview this candidate in spite of several attempts to contact him and as he was not at all the all candidates meetings we could not form an opinion other than his lack of visibility.


Peter is the other fresh face on Council. Mr. Raymond was also acclaimed. Our interviewing group saw Mr. Raymond as an interested participant at many of the OMB hearings and meetings of ratepayers. It was obvious during our pre-nomination interview with Mr. Raymond that he has come to share many of the citizens’ concerns about the role of the local Council going forward. Mr. Raymond will be an important part of the new Council as he pledges that he will be a voice for all the citizens of Trent Lakes.

This is a summary of our best collective thinking going forward. If you would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. These are our strong recommendations only. You are free to follow our recommendations or not, based on your own individual preferences.

Thank you for your support: Ross Morton, President, North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Assn.

Download Recommendations – Municipality of Trent Lakes Election 2014


If you do not receive a mail ballot after September 29th, or to ensure you are on the voters list, go to the Trent Lakes website for instructions at: and go to Elections 2014. Failing that contact: Bob Angione, Clerk (705) 738-3800 ext. 240. email:

Help Preserve Boyd Island

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Aug 292014
Kawartha Lakes Trust

Boyd Island (a.k.a. Big Island) in Pigeon Lake has been a place where many local Pigeon Lake property owners and tourists have boated to, picnicked on and fished from. Many enjoy the daily visual splendor of an island void of human intervention. Everyone has a different view of Boyd Island and no one can picture it as a subdivision! Most property owners have been opposed to the development of the island for the past twenty-five years.

Now we have been given a rare opportunity to assist and support the Kawartha Land Trust with their endeavour to preserve and protect Boyd Island from development forever. The current owner of Boyd Island is considering donating the island to the Kawartha Land Trust, a non-governmental organization and a registered charity dedicated to acquiring land and maintaining it in a natural state.

An appraisal of Boyd Island is one of the first steps in the negotiation process and funding is needed to pay for the $5,000 appraisal. Please help us to raise this money and start the process to preserve Boyd Island. This money needs to be raised by November 1st, 2014. Donations towards the appraisal can be made online, by phone, mail or in person through Kawartha Land Trust. Go to for details. Please indicate that your donation is for the Boyd Island appraisal. Tax Receipts are issued for donations of $30 or more.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting project. Together we can create this legacy of protecting Boyd Island!

Thank you for your support,

The “Preserve Boyd Island Team”
(Kawartha Land Trust, NPLRA and You !)

Kawartha Land Trust, PO Box 2338, Peterborough, Ontario K9J7Y8