Fish & Fishing in Pigeon Lake
Some Common Fish Species of Pigeon Lake
Illustration Credits: Ontario MNRF; Iowa DNR; U. S. F&WS
To learn more about these and other fish species, visit the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) website on Identifying, catching and handling fish species.
Fish Community Sampling in Pigeon Lake
The MNRF monitors fish communities across the province via its Inland Lakes Broad-scale Fish Community Monitoring Program.
Various lakes are monitored on a regular basis over five year cycles, while others are selected randomly and only monitored occasionally. Pigeon Lake was sampled by the MNRF in 2009 and 2013.
In both rounds of sampling, Yellow Perch were the most frequently caught fish species. The bulk of the rest of the catches comprised centrarchids (e.g., Bluegill, Pumpkinseed, Rock Bass, Black Crappie, and Smallmouth Bass).
For more detailed information, view the Broad-scale Fish Community Monitoring Program Lake Bulletins for Pigeon Lake here.
What are the Fishing Regulations?
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) sets various seasons, size limits, and harvest limits in order to manage fish populations sustainably. These regulations can vary by Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) and by fish species.
Pigeon Lake is located in FMZ 17. You can find information about FMZ 17 online here.
The Fishing Regulations for FMZ 17 are here.
Pigeon Lake is located in Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 17.
mnrf-fishery-management-zone-17-map-en-03-26-2019Additional On-line Resources
New to fishing? Or, new to fishing on Pigeon Lake? Check out these on-line resources…
- How to use Fish ON-Line – Plan a fishing trip, check fishing rules, and catch and identify Ontario sport fish by using the Fish ON-Line tool.
- Fishing Pigeon Lake – Article published on by Andrew Shufelt (Sep 10, 2015).
- Guide to Eating Ontario Fish -Identify the types and amounts of fish that are safe to eat. Learn how to choose and prepare fish to reduce contaminants.
- Learn to Fish Guide – A guide designed to show you how easy it can be to fish in Ontario.
OFAH Fishing & Fisheries – Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters fisheries info & resources. - Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary – info re: fishing licences, open seasons, catch limits, etc.
- Ontario Freshwater Fishes Life History Database – A database for all Ontario freshwater fishes.
- Pigeon Lake Fishing Tips – On The Fishin Guide website.
- Where to Fish on Pigeon Lake – Article published on the Fishing with Piotr website.
Photo Credits: W. Dunlop