
Lakefield Herald Special Report

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Dec 152012
Daily News

“The North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers’ Assn. (NPLRA) hosted a Public Meeting on Saturday, December 8 to inform the public of some of the issues facing them in their efforts to demand better management control by the Galway-Cavendish and Harvey Council (GCH) when approving applications for quarries and pits.

Ross Morton, President of NPLRA, welcomed a full room and speakers from as far away as London, Ontario. He explained that the purpose was to share and update as much information as possible to the public and to reinforce that the NPLRA is working on behalf of all constituents.

As well, NPLRA wants to see the GCH Council develop a strategic plan that encompasses responsibility towards quarry development.”


Lakefield Herald

Valterra Returns 65.6% of Carbon Content into Jumbo & Large Flake Graphite Fractions in Metallurgical Grab Sample at Bobcaygeon

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Dec 012012
Valterra News

Valterra Resource Corporation (“Valterra”) reports that a second stage of metallurgical analyses of a +20kg grab sample from the discovery trench at the +140 sq. km Bobcaygeon Graphite Property, located near Peterborough in Southern Ontario, returned the following highlights:

  • 65.6% graphite reported to jumbo and large flake size fraction classifications

Including    45.6% jumbo flake (+48 mesh or > 0.297mm)

  • 99% carbon recovery into the flash and rougher concentrate which graded 65-70% C(g) prior to any upgrading via cleaning circuit


See the Bobcaygeon Graphite Fact Sheet Presentation

Valterra Graphite Fact Sheet (Nov 2012)










Letter to the Editor (2012-11-13)

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Nov 132012
Daily News


Galway Cavendish and Harvey Township Listens!

The Council of Galway Cavendish Harvey Township agreed to listen the delegation from the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association (NPLRA) on November 6th. Roger Leclerc and I presented what our members, members of many other associations, and numerous residents of GCH believe to be a rational and well thought out solution that allows our Council and staff to build a plan for managing quarry zoning and applications. The presenters were very surprised that after their limited 10 minute presentation there were no questions, objections or concerns raised by the Council. Perhaps the earlier letter outlining our idea and the public pressure from over 100 in attendance laid the groundwork for the Council to respond quickly.

At the end of the presentation the staff of GCH Township were directed to prepare a bylaw as suggested by NPLRA. Thanks for turning out folks. We apologize to those who could not get in as the room was packed. Thanks for your ongoing and unwavering support. Thanks Council for listening and acting. Now we await your vote on the bylaw which we hope reflects your constituents’ wishes.

Ross A. Morton
President, NPLRA

A Township Wide Plan for Quarry Developments

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Nov 072012

A Delegation by NPLRA 

To the Galway Cavendish Harvey Township Council Meeting Gained Recognition Today

Re: A Township Wide Plan for Quarry Developments

At the end of the presentation Mayor Clarkson directed Pat Kemp the CAO of the Township to draft an interim control bylaw as suggested by the delegation that should give Council, and who it represents, time to develop a plan.

Download: Presentation to GCH Council (2012-11-06)

Today, the powerful presentation given by Ross Morton, President of the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association and Roger Leclerc, a board member responsible for the Quarries’ committee, gained a huge step up for those concerned by the quarry issues. The constituents were listened to and heard.

More than 100 people squeezed into the Council chambers today to hear the presentation and witness the Council’s recognition of the importance of proper attention to this issue.

Beginning with a brief overview of the NPLRA, and the concerns of this group and other like minded associations representing more than 400 families in the Pigeon Lake area, Ross Morton explained that the objective was not to stop the development of quarries. It is acknowledged that development is part of reality. What the delegation requested is that when there are applications, they are held accountable to a proper process, a well thought out plan, and all within Ontario’s laws for municipalities.

Morton and Leclerc made a full description of the concerns that proper and due process has not been followed when applying for quarry development, including: re-zoning, studies of transportation, environmental and social impact. They pointed out that these are just some of several areas of concern that the Council has control over and that they do have the power to address, but have not appeared to have done so.

Roger Leclerc described effective and approved Municipal Guidelines, as set out by the Ontario Municipal Class EA Planning and Design Process that recommends public input at very specific phases of the planning, design and approval processes.

They also reminded Her Worship the Mayor of her promises in her inaugural speech of believing in strong relationships between council and public; support for initiatives to protect our water, to be responsible and provide tools for better information. Also the Mayor at that time said that the Mayor and Council “have a responsibility to provide you with good government. And we are going to give you the tools to keep yourself better informed.”

The NPLRA representatives demanded transparency. The local public, ratepayers, and voters should be fully informed about the process by way of reports, blogs and making available information that helps constituents understand the process and enables contribution. Transparency is more than a word its an action!

A solution, similar to the one Zorra Township had implemented, was offered to put in place an:

Interim Control By-Law that would prohibit the establishment or expansion of sand or gravel pits and stone quarries until such time as a study to examine the cumulative impacts is in place.

This would enable a review to be done and give the process time to ensure that all the objections or avenues of concern have been addressed. Morton continued by saying that in the process of finding out about this subject he and the Association had consulted with many highly qualified experts in the local region, many within the County itself, who would be available for advice and assistance.

The Mayor made a motion that Pat Kemp, COA of GCH, prepare such a by-law, which passed seemingly without discussion or objection.

Oct 222012
Daily News

Democracy at Work on Nov. 6 in Galway Cavendish & Harvey

There have been numerous barbs thrown at the Council of Galway Cavendish and Harvey Township over the past many years. Many are perhaps warranted while others are lacking in substance. I am writing to add to neither those barbs of substance nor those without merit.

I am, however, writing to inform the constituents, whose land, money, health and lifestyle are protected by our Council, that the Council has agreed to listen to the delegation from the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers group on the issue of planning and quarry development now and well into the future. The Council, by welcoming the delegation, is showing it stands ever ready to listen to those who elected them as their protectors. The subject is a difficult one in that quarries are a hot topic throughout the province and, like hot potatoes, only a few representative bodies seem to know how to address the issue and placate the constituents.

On November 6th 2012 the NPLRA will present Council with its idea to build a solution to the current dilemma and with time, build a process to avoid future impasses between stakeholders and developers. At 1:00 PM on the 6th November the delegation will outline its purpose: a way forward and most importantly a strong and significant desire to be part of a solution. The number of taxpayers, residents, and friends of GCH willing to give time and energy to help Council in its deliberations and planning is extensive. We are sure that Council will avail itself of this help and move forward working together.

We hope many will come out to the Council chambers of Galway, Cavendish & Harvey on County Rd. 36 to see democracy at work and the Council giving its undivided attention to the delegate’s presentation. From there we can only assume the Council will act accordingly.

Ross A. Morton
North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association

Oct 122012
Township of Galway-Cavendish & Harvey

Mayor Janet Clarkson and Members of Council Township of Galway-Cavendish-Harvey
Box 820, 701 County Road #36, RR#3 BOBCAYGEON, Ontario K0M 1A0

Re: Dewdey Mountain Farms Quarry, Official Plan Amendment No.41 and Zoning By- Law Amendment, Lot 28 and Parts Lot 29 and 30, Concession 15, Geographic Township of Harvey (Ledge Road):

Dear Mayor Clarkson:

As you are aware, the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association is concerned with the Dewdney Quarry application.. In fact, we have established a committee of people interested in this quarry application in order to follow its progress and identify areas that need more attention. We are also in the process of soliciting the support of a number of cottager associations and other groups located in the North Pigeon Lake area. So far, the Big Bald Lake Cottagers’ Association has thrown its support behind us and others will follow, to provide us with a broad base of support and representing as many as 2000 local residents.

Our committee has been monitoring the progress of the Quarry proposal submitted to the Township for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment by Dewdney Mountain Farms. We have just received the “Supplementary Comments” communication dated September 27, 2012 from Stantec Consulting Ltd. to the County of Peterborough, adding to their August 3, 2012 Technical Study of the Tranplan Associates’ Traffic Study submitted in support of the Dewdney proposal. The Stantec communication notes that the consultant has addressed the functionality of the transportation network by:

“Participating in follow-up discussions with the Township and County, which have resulted in the initiation of a design study to develop recommendations for various geometric improvements to the proposed haul route. Further to this, we understand that the proponent has agreed to construct the haul route to the standards required by the Township and the County.”

At this time we have absolutely no information on the August 3, 2012 Technical Study by Stantec nor do we have any information on the ongoing separate design study that is apparently underway to identify the necessary improvements to the haul route . Members of the NPLRA and other supporting associations use the proposed haul route on a daily basis, so the issue of public safety along the haul route and at key intersections, because of the substantial amount of additional truck traffic expected (one per minute, coming or going, in Phase 2), has been and continues to be a major concern.

The haul route Design Study may recommend improvements such as intersection upgrades, road reconstruction and widening and culverts that fall under the Schedules of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment as Schedules A+, B or C projects. If there is the potential for these components to be part of any proposed solution, their planning would be required to follow the corresponding process, public notice and consultation arrangements as set out in the Class EA.

If the components are interdependent or are proposed to resolve one specific problem, the Class EA requires a single Class EA process for all the projects, using the planning requirements for the component with the “Highest” schedule and the most rigorous process.

In any case, given the high level of public interest and concern regarding the quarry application and its potential implications for the transportation system and impacts on individual community members along the proposed haul route, the Design Study should include ample opportunities for public review and comment before any proposals are finalized.

Reaching a decision on the necessary improvements, completing the required Regulatory submissions for the structural changes to the haul route, resolving how the costs of these improvements are to be handled and reaching agreement on the development schedule for these improvements will all take some time to be achieved.

We have unanimously decided to formally request the Township to immediately proceed to pass an Interim Control By-law as permitted by Section 8.9 of the Township Official Plan and by Section 7.11.6 of the County’s Official Plan, as authorized by Section 38 of the Ontario Planning Act, to place a temporary restriction for a period of one year on land uses in the lands subject to the Dewdney Official Plan and By-law amendment proposals – namely Lot 28 and Parts Lot 29 and 30, Concession 15, Geographic Township of Harvey (Ledge Road). The process for passing the Interim Control By-law is very easy and straight-forward. This solution came to our attention when we heard about another municipality (Zorra Township) which did the same thing to give them more time to analyze a quarry application. Invoking this By-law will provide enough time for the necessary studies to be completed and also provide the opportunity for the necessary local input into the decision process.

We would be pleased to meet with Council to discuss the Interim Control By-law proposal in further depth. In the interim we would respectfully request that Council defer any decision on the Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry proposal to amend the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

Yours very truly,

Ross Morton, President NPLRA


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Oct 012012

Visit this page to learn all about the proposed Dewdey Mountain Farms Quarry, Official Plan Amendment No.41 and Zoning By- Law Amendment, Lot 28 and Parts Lot 29 and 30, Concession 15, Geographic Township of Harvey (Ledge Road)…