Democracy at Work on Nov. 6 in Galway Cavendish & Harvey
There have been numerous barbs thrown at the Council of Galway Cavendish and Harvey Township over the past many years. Many are perhaps warranted while others are lacking in substance. I am writing to add to neither those barbs of substance nor those without merit.
I am, however, writing to inform the constituents, whose land, money, health and lifestyle are protected by our Council, that the Council has agreed to listen to the delegation from the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers group on the issue of planning and quarry development now and well into the future. The Council, by welcoming the delegation, is showing it stands ever ready to listen to those who elected them as their protectors. The subject is a difficult one in that quarries are a hot topic throughout the province and, like hot potatoes, only a few representative bodies seem to know how to address the issue and placate the constituents.
On November 6th 2012 the NPLRA will present Council with its idea to build a solution to the current dilemma and with time, build a process to avoid future impasses between stakeholders and developers. At 1:00 PM on the 6th November the delegation will outline its purpose: a way forward and most importantly a strong and significant desire to be part of a solution. The number of taxpayers, residents, and friends of GCH willing to give time and energy to help Council in its deliberations and planning is extensive. We are sure that Council will avail itself of this help and move forward working together.
We hope many will come out to the Council chambers of Galway, Cavendish & Harvey on County Rd. 36 to see democracy at work and the Council giving its undivided attention to the delegate’s presentation. From there we can only assume the Council will act accordingly.
Ross A. Morton
North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association
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