
Quarry near Bobcaygeon has residents taking notice — MyKawartha.com

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Mar 312014
Proposed quarry
Proposed quarry

Proposed quarry and concrete plant near Bobcaygeon sparks controversy

“The possibility that dozens of gravel trucks could roll through Bobcaygeon if quarry opens has residents watching what’s going on next door

Proposed quarry and concrete plant near Bobcaygeon sparks controversy Becki Jory, who lives on Ledge Road near the proposed quarry in Galway-Cavendish-Harvey Township, says the operation will also impact Bobcaygeon’s roads and bridges. She submitted this aerial photo of the site. Kawartha Lakes This Week By Mary Riley BOBCAYGEON — The fact that 2014 is a municipal election year was not lost on the dozens of people who showed up in Bobcagyeon to learn more about a new quarry that, when licensed, will have a gravel truck running on Kawartha Lakes Road 36 every three minutes.

And, that is only in Phase 1 of its operation.”




Waterway services could expand – Belleville Intelligencer

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Mar 112014
Trent Severn Waterway

Belleville Intelligencer

Belleville Intelligencer

“There’s a good chance boaters could see expanded services on the Trent-Severn Waterway this summer.

With about 70 days left before the opening of the 2014 boating season, federal officials will be looking at ways to increase hours of operation and eliminate what are dubbed ‘roving crews’ that race from lock-to-lock.

“It’s a very positive development,” said Quinte West Mayor John Williams, following Wednesday’s meeting in Ottawa with federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq.

Officials are looking at ways to extending weekday schedules by one hour, and adding 1.5 hours a day to the weekend schedule….”


Unlocking the Trent Severn’s Potential

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Jan 292014
TSW Working Group
TSW Working Group

TSW Working Group

The Trent Severn Waterway Working Group has now established their web site and laid out their goals. Please follow this site and read the comprehensive plan that looks at the conditions for ‘developing a self-sustaining operating model for the Trent Severn Waterway and canal communities’.

Send in your feedback!


Quarry Impact Slideshow

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Nov 012013

A brief slideshow highlighting some of the impacts of the Dewdney Mountain Farms potential quarry.

This proposed quarry threatens the peace and quiet that many of us enjoy on a regular basis.

The proposed quarry will be 180m from Provincially Significant Wetland. It is not taken into consideration as it is 60 metres out of the assessment area.

Who is protecting our water, land, air, nature and our way of life?

Download the slideshow.

[embedplusvideo height=”363″ width=”640″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1at1HgO” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/eR7L5OIUQK8?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=eR7L5OIUQK8&width=640&height=363&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6400″ /]

The Land Between Documentary Airs on TVO

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Sep 082013
The Land Between

Watch the visually stunning 3-part series that tells the story of the changing relationships of peoples with this landscape- from the First Nations, to First Settlers bringing us to today’s ways in which we value the land and the challenges we face to steward this important region.

To purchase your copy of the DVD visit the Land Between store. http://www.thelandbetween.ca/store.asp

If you are showcasing the documentary in your community, we would like to be involved! We will provide expert presenters and DVDs for sale at the event. Contact us at tlb@thelandbetween.ca or call 705-457-4838.

The Land Between Documentary Series Trailer

[embedplusvideo height=”360″ width=”580″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/18HtOUo” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/1z-WhyWa9vI?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=1z-WhyWa9vI&width=580&height=360&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5416″ /]

Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW) — NPLRA, AGM July 27, 2013

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Aug 012013
Trent Severn Waterway

There were many issues facing the TSW last year, staff lay-offs, changes to lock operations, First Nation settlement, worries about water management and flooding, that we are struggling to address and understand. After MP Barry Devolin tabled a Private Members Bill C-530 last month asking for change in governance of the TSW I decided to look briefly into the history of the TSW for guidance.

Built in the 19th century, during Ontario’s logging boom, it was built to open up the interior of the province, to promote agriculture, lumbering and to be used for industrial and transportation purposes to create economic prosperity. Upon completion Lake Ontario had been connected with Lake Huron trough 836 km of navigational waters with about 32 Km of man-made channels, 45 locks and dams. A few years after the completion of the TSW the Welland Canal (1932) opened which could handle much larger ocean going ships and the Trent became mainly obsolete for commercial purposes.

However it had created thousands of hectares of prime waterfront properties and had enormous recreational possibilities.

Originally the TSW was the responsibility of Transport Canada.

This changed in the 1970’s when it was transferred to Parks Canada (PC). At the time this probably made sense since it was more of recreational than commercial value. The TSW became the largest national historic site under the governance of PC.

For many years now PC has been criticized for its antiquated management of the TSW. Today $23.6 bill is the estimated market value of waterfront properties and the TSW generates $1 bill in economic activity each year (2009), Ontario sport fishing industry brings in $300 mill in tax revenues. Tourism is the chief industry in our area.

Fast forward to 2005, the election of Bruce Stanton, now MP for North Simcoe. As a former resort operator Stanton lobbied successfully to put the state of the TSW back on the government radar. In 2007 the federal minister of the Environment appointed a six-member panel to review all aspects of the TSW. 2008 The report on the future of the TSW was published: “It’s all about the Water” with 26 complex recommendations.

  • The panel asked for $270 mill over 10 years and some estimated that it would take $400 mill to ensure the future of the TSW.
  • Following this report the government committed $83 mill over a 5-year period (ending 2014).

Parks Canada allocated most funds to infrastructure replacement and repairs:

I.e. Bolsover Dam replacement at Lock 37 which is under way now or Hastings Swing Bridge replacement (County RD 45) as well as Bobcaygeon Lock 32 inspection and repair.

$7.5 mill were allocated to water monitoring equipment and about $29 mill to boosting the operating budget.

Last year, 2012:  Parks Canada announced $29 mill in budget cuts due to the federal governments deficit reduction action plan.

Citizens have voiced severe concern about these cuts and their economic impact.
Concerns for:
Water management affecting drinking water, fish population, navigation, archaeological discoveries,
Lock operations,
Economic impact on tourism,
User Fees

The organization Voices for the Trent-Severn Waterway, established 2008, is clearly concerned about a “sustainable financial future” for the TSW and tries to serve as an advisory board to our politicians.

Most importantly Voices is asking for a 5/10-year vision for the TSW with the input of all stakeholders.

Our local MPs have held several round table meetings.  The latest was hosted by MP Barry Devolin in Fenelon Falls and was attended by local business owners, tour operators, association members and our councilors.

What I took away from it was that our Government now views the comprehensive study: “It’s all about the water” as a “sitting” document, too expensive to follow up?

Infrastructure improvements are more likely to happen after Ottawa was forced to review all its capital assets after a piece of concrete fell of a Montreal bridge – legal, human costs.

All in all I have not heard a clear vision for the TWS.

Parks Canada is looking at the TSW as a National Historic Site while many of us are looking at it as a driver for the local economy and would like more input in the political decisions.

Finally, June 11, 2013 all these consultations have prompted MP Barry Devolin to introduce a Private Member’s Bill in the House of Commons calling for the creation of an independent Trent-Severn Water Authority that would assume all responsibilities for water management and canal operations and be given an expanded mandate to foster economic activity along the waterways.

The full text of Bill C-530 is available at:

The “Coalition for Equitable Water Flow” (CEWF) representing the interest of approx 40,000 residential property owners since 2006, has already followed up with a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and 4 pages of amendments to Bill C-530.

Even though the political process is slow, our economic realities are changing and change needs to happen.

Our communities are taking action:

Fenelon Falls improvements to the lock facilities are a success.

Lakefield is planning to revive the waterfront through commercial leases for a Heritage Building, Residences with Commercial Outlets, Eateries.

Bobcaygeon built additional dockage, which NPLRA supported by sending a letter to Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce.

And last years statistics show that the traffic on the TSW up from 123,959 (2011) to 129,658 boats in 2012.

FOCA Newsletter Summer 2013

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Jul 312013

Lake Stewards Newsletter

FOCA Newsletter Summer 2013

The latest edition of the FOCA Newsletter is here! Find out about:

  • winners of the 2012/13 FOCA Achievement Award
  • updates about the Lake Partner Program and new cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) monitoring project
  • FOCA Hot Topics updates: Great Lakes, ELA, Severe Weather, Fisheries Act, Algonq



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Jul 152013

The Board of Directors invite you to attend the


SATURDAY JULY 27th 9:00 am
At the Lawn Bowling Club
87 Dunn St., Bobcaygeon. ON

Please Join Us to:

    • Catch up with the events over the year
    • Meet other members and supporters
    • Renew or complete your membership for 2013/14
    • Find out about the issues we’ve been dealing with re LOCAL QUARRIES and Aggregates, Water Quality and the Trent-Severn Waterway

Leora Berman, author of “The Land Between”

Then join us for a Barbecue….

Agenda and Speaker details to come.

Please plan to attend and support us with your membership for 2014.
Help us to keep up the pressure on our Council to bring Good Governance to local Aggregate issues!

County made motion to accept… NO ONE KNEW!

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Jun 092013

Report of June 5th Meeting of Peterborough County Council… With nothing listed on the agenda Dewdney Quarry OPA #41 amendment app. motion made to accept.

Peterborough County Council

Peterborough County Council

Without any indication that it was going to be discussed, not on the agenda and only a verbal notice picked up by our astute member who was there, the County of Peterborough motioned to approve the OPA #41 Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. Quarry application amendment. At the Council meeting 60 days ago a decision was delayed in order to allow time to get legal advice, and also to clarify the status of the Duty to Consult with the Curve Lake First Nations according to their Treaty.

Here is the report:

Peterborough County Council meeting Wednesday June 5th 2013

Peterborough County Council meeting June 5th 2013

As you all know, the First Nations were to meet with the Peterborough County planning department on May 16th, that was postponed until May 31st.The County agenda has to be posted by Thursday prior to the Council Meeting. To make sure this was on the agenda, someone, and I would guess Bryan Weir had to have the Clerk, Sally Saunders, put this on the agenda to make sure it could be addressed at Council.

Due to the fact that they didn’t have anywhere to put it on the agenda, she put it under ‘staff reports’, verbal only, with the recommendation to receive it.

I notified the Chief at Curve Lake, who is away this week, but she let me know there was going to be representation in the gallery. Three representatives from NPLRA were there, and representation from Pirates Glen, as well as many Curve Lake residents.

The Council Meeting was long and drawn out, and I do believe that after the Warden served former Chief Keith Knott with a certificate of recognition, they thought we would all leave.

So, staff reports came up, and Mr. Weir read a 5 minute report of his meeting with Curve Lake last Friday. Deputy Warden, Joe Taylor made a motion to pass OPA 41, just as we had thought, and Councilor Whalen seconded it.

Councilor Scott McFadden, spoke quickly to the fact that this was not the proper way to do this. The CAO had to interrupt and agree that the Warden needed to get the resolution removed from the tabled decision before proceeding. The tabling was removed, and Councilor Gerow agreed with Councilor McFadden. As well, he wanted to know if they should have it in a written letter from the Chief, as they had done for all their meetings, and anything left would be part of either an OMB or site plan and licensing with the MNR. Councilor Mitchell agreed to an extent.

The motion was still on the floor to make a decision and Councilor Mary Smith made a motion to table the decision once again until the next Council meeting, with a proper posting in the agenda. This way it would let the public be aware, otherwise they would have not known that this resolution was being dealt with and then passed.

Councillor Windover was very excited to second the motion to pass, but Councillor Whelan beat him to it.

So, it will be brought back this month and I really hope we have a show of people there. We are probably not going to stop this thing, but it is nice to see  Council take a proper route, and not pass something quickly that has so much public interest.

Regardless, Mr. Ritchie, the proponent,  is still living at the camp, he has Maple Leaf Mulch semi’s starting at 6:30 a.m., and neither our CBO or the minister of Aggregate are doing anything about it. (See ” Charlie’s letter” below) Just for everyone’s information, it is approximately July 25th that is the 180 day decision date. At anytime now, Mr. Ritchie could apply to take this to OMB, but he obviously is looking for County’s blessing. Our rezoning OMB, will only start once the OPA 41 is decided on. If Council approves it, it only takes 1 appeal and it will in fact be put together with our rezoning appeal. The OMB is waiting patiently on this decision too.

Please, let’s pack this County Council meeting is 26th
at 9:30 am in Peterborough County Council Chambers
470 Water Street Peterborough, ON K9H 3M3



Sign and send this Open Letter to our Councilors
The NPLRA is not the only one worrying about what is going on. We feel others should read Charlies letter. It is being reprinted and distributed with his permission. NPLRA is not endorsing what he is saying but making this available for your information.