The extensive cuts to TSW staff and hours of lock operation have had a major impact. Compared to the year before 29,833 less vessels passed through the TSW locks in 2013 (99,515 less vessels than in 1994). Although still being the busiest lock of the canal Bobcaygeon Lock 32 vessel traffic was down by 18.5%. www.trentsevern.com
Over the next two years Parks Canada will be investing $58 million in major capital projects and ongoing preventative maintenance. Reconstruction of Thomson Bay Dam, Bolsover Dam, Kennisis Dam; rehabilitation of Otonabee Dam and Healey Falls Lock 15; investments into the Hastings and Brighton Swing Bridges as well as $11.5 million over the next two years across the TSW for dam safety and in preventative maintenance projects, navigation markers, and visitor facilities have been announced. www.pc.gc.ca
Parks Canada and Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA) are collaborating to manage and develop the hydroelectric potential of national historic canal systems in Ontario. The new framework is expected to foster new infrastructure investment, encourage clean hydroelectric energy and support the long-term sustainability of the TSW and Rideau Canal. All revenues generated by Parks Canada canal operations are reinvested back into the canals. www.owa.ca
The Trent-Severn Waterway Working Group has now laid out a comprehensive plan that looks at the conditions for ‘developing a self-sustaining operating model for the Trent Severn Waterway and canal communities’. Send in your feedback!
Trent1.docx – Trent Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada
Trent2.docx – Harper Government announces extended service on Trent-Severn Waterway
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